Insurance Management Portal
Techcronus worked with the Client to help them bring this idea to market by building an Insurance Management Portal bridging the gap between physical and digital Insurance methodologies. The portal allows the users to upload their existing policies and explore new policies along with a feature letting them compare their existing policies with new available options of policies.
This system was built using .NET MVC with the help of Angular and AWS which is a web-based portal that aims to help users upload their existing policies, get new policies, renew and compare the policies of their assets as well as pets. The portal has cards showing a list of policies history including active and expired policies with the policy details. Users can take advice from advisors for other available options. The system sends notifications to registered contact details for renewal and expiration details of the policies letting the users get a reminder for the policies.
Key Features:
- There are numerous categories to get insured for such as Pet, Personal, Health,Asset insurances.
- Users can upload as many insurances held by the user.
- Users can shoot emails for inquiring about any type of insurance advice from Advisorsto renew or change their policies.
- There are Cards on the web portal that showsActive, Expired, Renewal insurancepolicies with premium and other policy details.A new card can also be added when the user uploads a new policy.
- User can compare their existing policies with new available policies and can switchtheir policy when renewing.
- The web app sends a renewal reminder to the User’s selected mode of communicationi.e., Email or SMS prior to 1 month or insurance expiry date.
- Users also get reminders if they miss to renew and the policy has expired.
Technology Stack:
.NET MVC, AWS, Angular, PostgreSQL